The University of Southampton

Blogging tips

Writing a blog is a powerful way to engage with a subject. You can use it to convey or exchange information with people with similar interests to yourselves. Or you can use it to give your opinion on a topic, and to sway the opinions of others. It can be a tool to make money, or a way to help change the world for the better. Or both.

In all cases it can be a fun way to learn about new things and about other people.

During the module, you are expected to contribute blogs to this website on the themes that come to light during your learning experience on Engineering Replacement Body Parts. Formal guidance is available on Blackboard and at this link. But here are some additional resources that may help you make your blogs as fun and inspiring as they can be.


Brian Klems’ general advice on writing good blogs:

You’re not Dummies. But I am. Here are some tips from For Dummies:

The Huffington Post is one of the World’s most successful and popular news and blog sites. Here it reviews the best of the best in the blogosphere in 2014:

And here are some award winners:

In particular, scientists love to blog. Here is a selection from


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