The University of Southampton

Breaking Boundaries: Evolution of Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering – From Traditional to 3D Printing Innovation

Approximately 45% of the mass of the human adult body is muscle tissue.

Serge Ostrovidov, PhD et al.

Muscles are critical in locomotion, prehension, mastication, ocular movement, and other dynamic activities such as body metabolic regulation. Myopathy, traumatic injury, aggressive malignant tumour extraction, and muscular denervation are the most prevalent clinical indications for therapeutical or cosmetic reconstructive muscle surgery. There are three types of muscle tissue: smooth muscles in the stomach and intestines, cardiac muscle in the heart, and skeletal muscle throughout the body. Skeletal muscle, which we will focus on in this blog, majorly consists of myocytes, the multinucleated contractile muscle fibres.

Methodology of SMTE

While Skeletal muscle tissue engineering (SMTE) has been introduced to the world of biomedical engineering for more than two decades, it remains a significant challenge, with numerous techniques being developed constantly to accomplish this.

The muscle cells are first isolated from the patient or a donor, followed by culturing, where the cells effectively differentiate and develop in the nutrition-rich medium. The muscle tissue is then generated in three methods, which form different specialized muscle cells: myotube formation under controlled topography, cell sheet formation with a hydrogel matrix, and muscle bundle formation. The well-developed and functional tissue is then transplanted back to the patient.


This is the traditional way of engineering skeletal muscle tissue, but it still faces some limitations. Though cells could be isolated from the patient, the tissues generated from a donor could trigger immune responses in the recipient’s body, causing rejection and the necessity for immunosuppressive drugs. These medications come with their own risk, like increased susceptibility to infections and organ damage. Moreover, traditional tissue engineering often focuses on preparing damaged muscle tissue rather than promoting regeneration. Thus, the regenerative potential of the SMTE tissue may be insufficient to restore full muscle function, especially in cases of extensive injury or degeneration quantitatively and qualitatively due to ageing. On the other hand, ensuring the long-term functionality of transplanted muscle tissue is also a significant challenge. Without adequate vascularization and support structures, it may encounter degradation or necrosis over time, leading to repeated interventions.

3D Print Muscle Tissue

I came across a piece of news published in 2023 written by Michael M., mentioning the researchers at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation have developed a fascinating new technology of 3D printing skeletal muscle tissues with bioink invented by the researchers, which could mimic the natural muscle formation.

Photo credits: Terasaki Institute

The science of muscle 3D printing

The three parts of the bioink are polylactic acid (PLGA) microparticles, myoblast cells, and a hydrogel based on gelatin. The PLGA microparticles sustainably release growth factor-1 (IGF-1), an insulin-like hormone that’s necessary for healthy bone and tissue growth. The production process of muscle tissue is more complex than it looks. Myoblast cells were deemed viable three days after printing and successfully developed into complete synthetic muscle tissue over the next ten days, eventually contracting on their own, just like normal muscle tissues! In order to determine if the cultured tissue was viable in living organisms, the tissue was implanted into mice. The researchers were then able to confirm that the cultured tissue was successfully accepted by the body and combined with the existing muscle tissues.

This video shows 3D-printed myotubes, which eventually form muscle fibres, twitching spontaneously after receiving a dosage of the hormone IGF-1.


The ability to 3D print muscle tissue represents a significant advance in medicine. Using this technology, muscle mass replacement could be revolutionized by mimicking the natural process of muscle development. Prior to the possibility of treating humans, further clinical studies and testing will be necessary to confirm the safety of this process before the possibility of treating humans. What’s for sure, however, is that 3D printing muscle tissue has a highly promising future in medicine. I, as a biomedical science student, am also looking forward to the further development of skeletal muscle engineering.


  1. Ostrovidov, S., PhD et al. (2014). Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering: Methods to Form Skeletal Myotubes and Their Applications. Tissue Engineering Part B Review, 20(5), pp. 403-436. doi: 10.1089/ten.teb.2013.0534

Is brain implant possible


Human testing experiments have been a controversial topic in the science field. A recent news article came across me. Neuralink, a ‘medical research’ company founded by Elon Musk in July 2016, reported that the first chip brain, ‘Telepathy’, was being implanted into the human brain. Is brain implant possible

‘Telepathy’ was designed for the disabled who have lost the use of their limbs. The human clinical trial was first opened for patients with restricted or zero available use of upper arms caused by cervical spinal cord injury or by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a fatal motor neuron disease about degeneration of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. By placing a tiny, wireless brain chip on the surface of the brain attached to the cortex, movements could be revived by the intention to move.

Neurological mechanism of neurons

The brain consists of nerve cells called neurons, which transmit signals and messages over the body afferently and efferently.

Afferent neurons refer to receiving stimulations and sending signals from the environment through the spinal cord to the brain. Efferent neurons do the reversing way, sending motor signals from the brain to the peripheral nervous system in order to initiate movements.

The electrodes in the Neuralink chip are responsible for reading these afferent signals, translating them into efferent signals and turning them into motor movements.

Human experimentation

The largest controversy of human experimentation is said to be unethical. Pseudoscientific frameworks like race science are argued to be not ethical. This also raises problems with informed consent, in which research subjects freely volunteer to participate after being made aware of the potential dangers and benefits. However, past incidents where participants were misinformed about the real purpose of the experiment, such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in the United States, have brought attention to the significance of informed consent. It also includes torturing people which causes them to be mentally or physically injured. During the experiment, the research subject may be exposed to risks from physical injuries to psychological distress. To balance the benefits of the study and the potential risk to the subjects is the biggest concern a scientist should be aware of.

In May 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration gave the approval for Neuralink’s human clinical trials. However, the specific approach of how Neuralink balances between experimenting and the risk of reseach subjects might face is still unknown.


Similar to other implants in the human body, Neuralink brain implants may result in unfavourable consequences like inflammation and scarring. Additional problems might be bleeding or hardware-related concerns with the implant. Of course, it is still a very new technology and still requires a lot of research and experiment, but it’s a hope for patients with spinal cord injury to move again. Overall, with suitable and appropriate observation under medical and neurological professionals, the brain implant could be a direction for patients to live more conveniently than before.