The University of Southampton

Moral Reflections: Organ Transplants in the Shadow of Frankenstein

An abstract illustration depicting the creation of the monster Frankenstein.

Organ transplants have revived the dead so it’s not all that different to the classic gothic tale of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. My fascination for the tale as well as the tissue engineering and stem-cell lectures led to a deep dive into this topic. The tale depicts Doctor Frankenstein’s creation of life from post-mortem organs that haunt him, but now, centuries later in modern medicine, it suggests a futuristic prophecy.


Creating Life in the Lab

Regenerative medicine is still in its early phases but there has been tremendous advancement. Pluripotent stem cells are cells that can differentiate into any type of cell in the body, so work has been conducted to grow organs from scratch with these cells. However, it’s difficult to replicate the intricate tissue organisation and complexities of organs. Just like Doctor Victor Frankenstein, scientists are itching to discover the secrets of “life and death” and learn how to “renew life”.

Brain organoids are helping scientists launch sophisticated studies of how diseases develop in the brain. (Illustration by Hindawi)

Although not applicable for transplantation, miniature organoids (‘organ-like’) have been created around various laboratories to replicate hearts, kidneys and more. Biomedical scientists such as myself can use organoids as models when testing a new drug, without harming patients. It can help understand and assess drug safety before a new drug is given to humans in clinical trials to save a lot of money and time spent in trials. In the Netherlands these organoids were used to personalise medicine for cystic fibrosis patients who were treated based on how an organoid grown from their cells behaved in response to drugs.

Organ Transplant

Transplantation of human organs is regarded as one of the key markers of 20th-century medicine. The first successful kidney transplant was performed in 1954 and since then the demand for transplant has skyrocketed. Thus, doctors have attempted to put artificial and animal-derived organs into patients. On the one hand scientific curiosity such as this has advanced human knowledge and life expectancy, but it makes me wonder at what point can curiosity go too far?


I always wondered how medical professionals could pass judgement and determine who is worthy of a transplant. I found that in the UK strict criteria exist, where some criteria are objective (e.g. blood type) while others depend on ethical judgement. It raises questions like:

    • Should people’s lifestyle choices (smoking, obesity, drug use) that implicated their organs be given an opportunity for organ transplant?
    • Should prisoners receive a transplant?
    • Should people get a chance to get a second transplant?

David Bennett with his surgeon who transplanted a genetically modified pig heart at University of Maryland Medical Center.

David Bennett was the world’s first recipient of genetically modified pig heart after being denied a human heart. Media suggested the denial was due to his advanced heart failure while his son declared it was due to his non-compliance in managing his health. This debate continued after the surgery as news about his conviction after stabbing a man in the 1980s resurfaced. The unfortunate victim’s sister argued she wishes the modified heart “had gone to a deserving recipient.”

Final Thoughts

I think Frankenstein’s key message is that curiosity and ambition need to be met with caution and compassion, which I think has also shaped current ethical guidelines. Researching the complex interplay of science and ethics of organ transplant shifted my perspective into a more comprehensive and holistic one. 

From Fiction to Reality- What You Need to Know about Neuralink

What is Neuralink?

We’ve all heard the terms Neuralink around in the past few years, but ultimately what is it? Neuralink is an American neurotechnology company founded by none other than Elon Musk. Musk highlighted their mission includes developing an implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCI) allowing patients to connect and even control movement with just their mind. It will also aid in the study of brain electrical impulses and development of treatments to various medical problems that require such technologies.

Elon Musk with an image of the coin-size Neuralink device (not to size).

How does Neuralink Work?

The Neuralink device consists of a coin size 8mm chip called the N1 chipset and this will be implanted into a patients skull. Its true wow-factor lies in its numerous hair-like, micro-cables containing electrodes and wires that mimic the size of individual neurones. These flexible yet minuscule ‘threads’ were developed as a means to reduce disruption of the brain’s normal function. Furthermore, as the wires are very small and practically impossible to be inserted by humans, a ‘neurosurgery robot’ called R1 Robot, capable of inserting six threads every minute, was subsequently created to conduct the implantation.

Once in place the N1 chip should be able to record and transmit electrical brain signals, wirelessly to a mobile app that decodes movement intention. Their goal is to allow people who ‘control a computer cursor or keyboard using thoughts alone’.

Neuralink falls into the category of brain-computer interfacing (BCI) which usually involve recording electrical signals from the brain, interpreting them and turning them into actions. This technology could therefore be used to restore physical mobility in people with disabilities.

What is going on with their First Clinical Trials?

Human clinical trials for the first Neuralink study was US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved in September 2023. While trials regarding BCI in human patients can seem alarming, the FDA has placed tight regulations to regulate safety and the company must adhere to this. Eligibility of participants is narrow as the only patients that can take part in the trials are those with quadriplegia from an injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In the trial, not only does Musk aim to assess the N1 chip but also evaluate the safety and efficacy of the R1 robot.

Where Elon Musk goes follows media controversy and this was no exception as allegation of animal cruelty was suggested early on in animal trials. According to the media company Reuters over 1,500 animals have passed admits the Neuralink animal trials, a rather high number which reflects the rushed development from the company. There is further concern regarding FDA’s uncertainty about the long term effects and potential of permanent brain damage from exposure to the battery of the chip.

Nevertheless, Musk is one step closer and he shares a brief update on the first patient who has had a successful transplantation. In a Spaces event he shares, ‘Progress is good and the patient seems to have made a full recovery’ and that the patient could ‘ move a mouse around by just thinking.’

What do you think about human trials for a brain-computer interface device? Are you ready to accept that this is the future?

