The University of Southampton

Regenerative medicine: The use of bioengineering for neurological recovery

With over 3 billion people in the world living with a neurological condition, the pressure for improvements to be made in this field continues to increase. With my grandfather being one of the many people affected, I am personally intrigued in current and future developments to come. Let’s delve into the interdisciplinary approach of biomedicine and engineering for the recovery of neural diseases.

Neurological disorders

Normal vs Stroke brain scan
Dr Yuranga Weerakkody, & Frank Gaillard Et Al
Normal vs Alzheimer’s disease brain scan
Australia, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Health, Diseases and Disorders

The brain and spinal cord are the control centres of the body, sending and receiving sensory and motor information. When this system dysfunctions, it leads to disease. A few examples of neurological disorders are the following:

•Spinal injuries: caused by traumatic damage to the spinal cord, resulting in loss of motor or sensory function, often causing paralysis or impaired mobility.

•Neurodegenerative diseases: include the progressive conditions affecting nerve cells, leading to deterioration of cognitive or motor function, as seen in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.

•A stroke: the sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain, causing rapid loss of brain function, leading to paralysis, speech and vision problems, or death.

The use of biomaterials

The use of human embryonic stem cells for therapeutics to aid brain disorders has come with success but raises ethical questions. It can be argued that the development of biomaterials is a better approach.

Research at Wayne State University in neuronal tissue and cell regeneration to develop the correct biological support network to aid repair.

•For the treatment of spinal injuries, neural grafts and biomaterial scaffolds are employed for functional recovery, physical support and help foster axonal regeneration. Strategies like electrical stimulation and growth factor delivery further aid neuronal regrowth.

•Neurodegenerative diseases prompt the development of 3D brain tissue models, organoids and neural implants to understand disease mechanisms whilst stem cell therapies, including induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), restore neural function.

•Stroke therapies utilise biomaterial scaffolds and injectable hydrogels to promote neuroprotection and enhance functional recovery.

Hydrogels: application in stroke recovery

Hydrogels provide therapeutic benefits through drug delivery, tissue regeneration and wound healing, including direct injection into stroke cavities and forming protective barriers in the brain post-stroke.

MediaNews Group/Boston Herald via Getty Images

Derived from natural or synthetic polymers, they form a 3D structure, absorbing biological fluids within the body. They are flexible and resemble tissues which can be tailored for specific applications. They also play a crucial role in aiding neurological regeneration for stroke patients through multiple mechanisms.

Firstly, they provide a scaffold for cells to adhere to and grow within, facilitating cell migration and tissue regeneration. Secondly, hydrogels can deliver therapeutic agents (growth factors and stem cells), promoting neuronal survival, angiogenesis and modulation of the inflammatory response, essential for recovery. Thirdly, their biocompatibility ensures sustained release of therapeutics without adverse immune reactions. Lastly, their physical properties can mimic the brain’s native tissue environment, fostering appropriate cellular behaviour and functional recovery. In essence, hydrogels offer a versatile platform for neurological regeneration.

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California

Things to consider

Concerns linger over longevity, immune rejection, and unforeseen risks of biomedical interventions. Legally, adherence to regulatory frameworks, patent protection and insurance coverage are paramount for ensuring safety and accessibility. Ethically, emphasis lies on informed consent, equitable access, especially in developing nations and addressing social injustices. Who deserves this treatment and why?

My final thoughts

Whilst all sides present a fair argument, I am inclined to take the equitable approach in providing access to these treatments. The choice should be with the patient, neither the law or the socioeconomic circumstances of the individual should intrude on their autonomy or dictate their access to treatment. However in reality this is not always the case.

The long term effects of using biomaterials, particularly hydrogels are a controversial topic. Nevertheless, their use for stroke treatment has shown promising potential, with wider applications to other neurological cases. Caution should be taken with experimental treatments as their long term effects remains to be seen.

Human enhancement; how far is too far?

In an era where scientific advancements are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, the concept of human enhancement has become a topic of intense debate. With technologies such as CRISPR, being able to edit your own genetic makeup, the possibilities for enhancements are endless.

Human enhancement is the use of technological interventions to enhance human capabilities beyond what is ‘normal’. This includes physical, cognitive or sensory capabilities, enhancing the performance and well-being of patients.

In the past, prosthetics included wooden limbs with limited movement and comfort. The evolution of prosthetics has improved overtime and now with the development, integration of technology and artificial intelligence (AI), we are able to do what was only possible in science fiction.

A 46 year old male was able to regain movement in his arms with the use of AI. With plans already being made for chips to be implanted in our brains by Elon Musk, founder of neurotechnology company Neuralink, he quoted, “Initial users will be those who have lost the use of their limbs. Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal.” We are certainly not far from these developments.

These advancements hold the promise of improving the lifestyle and health of those effected, effectively changing their lives for the better. However it is important to think about the risks. Long term effects are currently unknown with no way of knowing until they are introduced it into society, but by then will it be too late to control. The risk of unintended consequences are always present.

Ethical implications:

Ethical questions are raised about the limits of intervention and the potential consequences for individuals and society. The notion of playing God, intervening in the natural order of things, contradicts many religious and philosophical perspectives. Moreover, informed consent are paramount as individuals must have the necessary information to make informed decisions about undergoing enhancement procedures.

Ethics and science need to shake hands - Richard Clarke Cabot

While some enhancements may address medical conditions and improve quality of life, others may be pursued for cosmetic or commercial reasons. This also raises concerns about fairness, equality, and access to these technologies. Who should have access to enhancement technologies, and at what cost? How do we define the limit?

Social & legal implications:

Human enhancement technologies could exacerbate social inequalities, widening the gap between those who can afford enhancements and those who cannot. Cultural attitudes toward enhancement, beauty standards, and even sports competitions may be profoundly influenced by these technologies. Regulatory frameworks must strike a delicate balance between fostering innovation and ensuring safety. Questions about marketing, prosecution for misuse of enhancement technologies, and setting legal limits on enhancement procedures add further complexity to the legal landscape.

Moreover, we may become a society increasingly dependent on technology to define human capabilities and identity. This challenges societal norms and values further, potentially reshaping perceptions of being human. Will we eventually lose our sense of what it really means to be a human?


In conclusion, the ethics of human enhancement force us to confront profound questions about the nature of humanity, the limits of intervention, and the implications for individuals and society. While advancements in science and technology offer incredible opportunities for improving human capabilities, we must proceed with caution, mindful of the ethical, social, and legal ramifications. As we navigate this uncertain terrain, it is essential to engage in robust dialogue and ethical reflection to ensure that human enhancement technologies are used responsibly and ethically, for the betterment of all.