Recently, I came across a news story about new bionic knuckles being developed specifically for children.

I read about how these bionic knuckles are being developed for children who have only part of their hand missing as no artificial hand could fit properly leaving them unable to play, read and drink or eat without assistance. But with the development of the bionic knuckles the battery powered thumb and fingers allow the child to form a proper grip allowing them to carry out basic tasks independently which I think is a crucial part of growing up, feeling free to do things on your own.
From the article I understood that the bionic knuckles were built as an aluminium frame with tiny motors and gears built into the thumb and index finger. The lightweight metal chosen means the frame is lighter than a real hand so the child can do activities that involve finer finger movements so they can play video games or paint or read. I think they will really improve the quality of life for all the children who receive them.