The University of Southampton

An implant that allowed a paralysed man to walk

Hi, My name is Tom and I am a 2nd year studying Biomedical Science.

I found this news article today, which talks about a man called Michel Roccati, who suffered a motorbike 5 years ago. He has a completely severed spinal cord, which means he has no feeling in his legs whatsoever. Thanks to a team of researchers in Switzerland, an implant was developed that was attached to the spinal cord, allowing for the relaying of neuron signals down the spinal cord. This implant would allow for people with spinal cord injuries to be able to regain some function that was lost due to this injury.

Michel was able to receive this implant and it allowed him to walk. I was absolutely astonished that something that I deemed impossible became possible through technology. However, I know this is only the beginning and the implant will not fix all of the complications caused by a spinal cord injury, but it is still a feat of science. This implant has already allowed 9 people to regain their ability to walk, and I am so excited to see where this technology takes us and what we can achieve.

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