4. LiDAR Data Processing Techniques and DEM Generation

This is the fourth unit in the module ‘Topographic Data Analysis Techniques and Applications’. In this unit we will cover data processing techniques for data derived from LiDAR sensors.

  1. LiDAR data
  2. Pre-processing
  3. Filtering and DTM Generation
  4. Assignment


‘LiDAR Data’ introduces the nature of data returned from LiDAR sensor systems and explains its structure. Due to the way in which LiDAR sensors operate, the data structure is quite different to a regular raster data layer.

‘Pre-processing’ explains the necessary steps in preparing raw LiDAR data, specifically addressing georeferencing and strip adjustment.

‘Filtering and DTM generation’ describes the processing of LiDAR data in order to create a digital elevation model (DEM)

‘Assignment 1’ comprises the first formally assessed piece of work for this module and involves the creation of DEMs from LiDAR data.



In preparation for this unit students should read the following journal papers:

Axelsson, P. (1999) Processing of laser scanner data—algorithms and applications, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 54, 138–147.

Liu, X (2008) Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues, Progress in Physical Geography 32, 31-49.


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