7. Digital Orthophotography

This is the seventh unit in the module ‘Topographic Data Analysis Techniques and Applications’. This unit explores key concepts in digital orthophotography.

  1. Plane vs. Differential Rectification
  2. Orthorectification: Concepts and Steps
  3. Height and Coordinate Measurement


‘Plane vs. Differential Rectification’ introduces and compares two different types of image rectification – plane and differential – and to gain a basic understanding of their application.

‘Orthorectification: Concepts and Steps’.

‘Height and Coordinate Measurement’ explores some additional mathematics using parallax, which can be used in stereo models to help calculate the height of an object or terrain.

The purpose of this Unit is to provide fundamental concepts on Digital Orthophotography. The participants are expected to build the knowledge about orthorectification in addition to the basic photogrammetric principles learned in previous units. Although efforts have been given to limit the use of mathematical explanations, it is very difficult to completely skip mathematical formulas which are backbone in photogrammetry. For better understanding, participants are requested to refer the reference list.



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