10. Application of Lidar Data II – Urban

This is the tenth unit in the module ‘Topographic Data Analysis Techniques and Applications’. The objective of this unit is to introduce the application of LiDAR data in urban areas, in particular extracting information about buildings. We will cover the following topics. The unit comprises:

  1. Overview of LiDAR Application in Urban Areas
  2. Building Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data
  3. Case Study


‘Overview of LiDAR Application in Urban Areas’ provides an introduction to the use of LiDAR data in urban areas.

‘Building Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data’ explores the challenge of extracting building objects from airborne LiDAR data.

‘Case Study’ focuses on the paper by Dash et al. (2004) and describes the extraction of buildings data from LiDAR imagery.


Reading Activity

In preparation of this unit you should read the following journal papers, copies of which are available on the course Blackboard site:

Jochem, A., Hofle, B., Rutzinger, M. and Pfeifer N. (2009) Automatic roof plane detection and analysis in airborne LiDAR point clouds for solar potential assessment. Sensors 9 , 5241-526. http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/9/7/5241/pdf

Dorninger, P. and Pfeifer, N. (2008) A comprehensive automated 3D approach for building extraction, reconstruction, and regularization from airborne laser scanning point clouds. Sensors 8, 7323 – 7343. http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/8/11/7323

Dash, J., Steinle, E., Singh, R. P. and Bahr, H. P. (2004) Automatic building extraction from laser scanning data: an input tool for disaster management. Advances in Space Research 33, 317–322.


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