9. Application of Lidar Data I – Forestry

This is the ninth unit in the module ‘Topographic Data Analysis Techniques and Applications’. The objective of this unit is to understand the various applications of LiDAR data in Forestry and vegetation mapping and learn how to extract various forest parameters from LiDAR data through Assignment 4. The unit comprises:

  1. Overview of LiDAR application in forestry
  2. Extraction of forest parameters from discrete airborne LiDAR data
  3. Application of waveform LiDAR data in Forestry
  4. Assignment


‘Overview of LiDAR Application in Forestry’ presents the background to the use of LiDAR data in forestry.

‘Extraction of Forest Parameters from Airborne LiDAR Data’ explains how various basic tree attributes can be extracted from Airborne LiDAR data.

‘Application of Waveform LiDAR Data in Forestry’ explains waveform LiDAR and their application in Forestry

‘Assignment 3’ aims to help students understand how different remote sensing datasets can be compared and combined to extract forest inventory information.


Reading Activity

In preparation of this unit we would like you to read the following journal papers copies available on blackboard:

Dubayah, R.O. & Drake, J.B. (2000) Lidar remote sensing for forestry applications. Journal of Forestry, 98, 44–46.

Hyyppä et al, 2004: Algorithms and methods for airborne laser scanning for forest measurements. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. vol.XXXVI Part 8/W2, pp. 82–89

Lim, K. et al. (2003), LiDAR remote sensing of forest structure, Progress in Physical Geography, 27, 88-106. http://courses.washington.edu/cfr530/reading1a.pdf

Lefsky, M. A. et al., (2002) Lidar Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Studies, Bioscience, 52, 19-30. http://faculty.wwu.edu/wallin/envr442/pdf_files/lefsky_etal_2002.pdf



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