8. Satellite Photogrammetry

This is the eighth unit in the module ‘Topographic Data Analysis Techniques and Applications’. In this unit students are exposed to satellite-based photogrammetry. Though the basic principle of photogrammetry remain same, the method of data acquisition differs. There are variety of sensors and many innovative ways of extracting terrain information using different wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This unit will help to broaden students’ knowledge in the field of innovative photogrammetry.

  1. Satellite vs. Aerial Imagery
  2. Data Acquisition Modes
  3. Modelling Space-Ground Geometry
  4. SAR DEM
  5. Assignment


‘Satellite vs. Aerial Imagery’ reviews principal differences between imagery derived from remote sensing satellites and that derived from aerial photography.

‘Data Acquisition Modes’ introduces the idea that there are several different data acquisition modes possible in satellite photogrammetry and these have implications for accuracy, as measured by the Base/Height ratio.

‘Modelling Space-Ground Geometry’ introduces different modelling approaches for describing the space-ground geometry and briefly outlines the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) model.

‘SAR DEM’ introduces the creation of DEM from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data.  Illustrations and references demonstrate the application of SAR interferometry in earthquake monitoring.


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