The Black Boy pub
Recommended as affordable hotels, within walking distance of the venue:
- Premier Inn Winchester
- Mercure Winchester, right next to all touristic amenities, walking distance to the venue.
- Premier Inn, Southampton Airport (Parkway). Similar price range, 10′ train ride + 5′ walk to the venue
- Premier Inn, Southampton (if your preference is to stay in the big city). Similar price range, 15′ train ride + 5′ walk to the venue.
Other (mid-price) hotels in Winchester, also within walking distance:
Upscale hotels, although they often have deals:
The city of Winchester offers a wide range of B&Bs, cottages, rooms/apartments to rent, short-term house rental/share. Just to name a few, on top or close to famous pubs, for that special experience:
If Southampton is your choice, a wide range of hotels and short-term rentals are available online, including the main chains. The trip from Southampton Central to Winchester takes 15-20′ by train or car. Winchester train station is around 6/7 blocks from the conference venue. It connects directly to Waterloo Station, London, in 50’/1h.