Last Thursday, 16th February, saw the second of a series of informal meetings aimed at giving early career researchers, specifically Post-docs and final-year PhD students, further information about future career opportunities. The theme of this session was ‘Working Abroad’, with Dr Claire Clarkin, Dr Katrin Deinhardt, Dr Mark Chapman and Professor Vincent O’Connor, all sharing their experiences and providing an insight in to working in America and across Europe.
Their experiences revealed that there are more things than where you want to live to consider when thinking of working abroad – although if you enjoy a surf or two perhaps moving to the west coast of America isn’t a bad idea!
In addition, there was advice about how to go about gaining a fellowship, which would help to work in a lab abroad as you bring your own funding to them.
For more information about the fellowships themselves, please follow the links below:
EMBO, http://www.embo.org/funding-awards/fellowships
Human Frontiers, http://www.hfsp.org/funding/postdoctoral-fellowships”
This meeting was organised by the diversity and equality group: thank you Claire and Katrin!
Blog written by Joe Chouhan – member of the Reech committee