FNES Dean’s Prize Award Ceremony was held yesterday in the Building 85 Observatory, where 8 postdoctoral teaching and research fellows were presented with awards.
The Dean’s Prize is an annual event which was started 4 years ago to recognise and reward excellence of postdoctoral research and teaching fellows in one of five categories; research, enterprise, outreach, education and citizenship. Staff across the faculty nominated a total of eighteen fellows from across the faculty and the nominees were:
Gaye Bayrakci
Adokiye Berepiki Richard Bradshaw Steve Brewer Joanne Cowan Anya Crocker James Dillon Pedro Dinis Simon Gerrard |
Laura Grange
Mikiembo Kukwikila James Lewis Catriona Menzies Matthew Potter Nikolaos Skliris Torben Stichel Zhong Wang Wenjian Zhang |
Invited guest Dr Sarah Caddick, Neuroscience Advisor to Lord Sainsbury of Turville, Gatsby Foundation, gave a short inspirational talk prior to presenting the winners with their prize.
And the winners’ were:
Research – James Lewis (Chem) and Catriona Menzies (OES)
Education – James Dillon (BioSci)
Enterprise – Nikolaos Skliris (OES)
Public Engagement – Simon Gerrard (Chem) and Torben Stichel (OES)
Citizenship – Jo Cowan (BioSci)
All-round – Richard Bradshaw (Chem)
Professor’s Lindy Holden-Dye and Rachael Mills selected the winners from the list of nominees, after the event Lindy said
We had a fantastic number of nominations representing outstanding contributions across a range of activities from citizenship to research. It was a hard decision selecting the winners, congratulations to all 18 fellows who were nominated.
and the final word of the event came from the Dean of FNES, Professor Rachael Mills
Early Career Researchers and Teaching Fellows are at the heart of our research and education activity within the faculty. We are celebrating outstanding contributions across many areas with these Dean’s Prizes.
If you would like to nominate any research or teaching fellows for a 2017 Dean’s Prize in any one of the categories listed above then please contact fnesdeanery@soton.ac.uk