‘Music on the Mind’ is a group of colleagues from across the University who believe that our mental health is important. They are organising a number of great events to raise awareness of mental health – for more information- visit this website: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/musicmind.
One of the events is a performance in the Turner Sims concert hall. The University (USV) choir – guided by Harvey Brough – plan to tackle a Music on the Mind composition and to perform this with the Britten Symphonia on December 2nd in the Turner Sims. This is a challenging piece, based on Kay Redfield Jameson’s book the unquiet mind about her mental health/illness. (There is a link here to Emma Thompson speaking just after the first performance here https://vimeo.com/148498564).
As well as rehearsing this piece with the USV we would like to extend engagement with the choir to staff at the University Hospital Southampton and to service users by setting up a sister choir. And if we can we would also like to use the concert and choir rehearsals as a way to raise awareness of mental wellbeing – possibly having other events and a booklet about staff experiences.
Are you interested to find out more? want to get involved? want to support this event? you can by baking a cake ( contact Lindy Holden Dye or Jo Bailey) , and/or help with crowd funding projects by donating money. Music on the Mind needs to raise at least £6000 to fund the musicians who will accompany us and we may need more to support the other activities.
Telephone: 02380 718520
Email : musmind@soton.ac.uk