Building trust in what you see
Tag: <span>teamwork</span>

Service design for Neighbourhood

In recent years, ‘Service Design’ has become increasingly popular. It is a growing academic field, and its implementation is said to be behind the successes of highly popular businesses that fuse online social media with offline elements, activity and retail, for example Airbnb, Uber and Ocado. The Royal College of Art, …

Neighbourhood: investment required

In common with many social networks, Neighbourhood will require significant upfront cash to develop our mobile responsive web application, setup client relationships and market to our first users. However, after our initial launch, where we incentivise founding clients to join us, we will start earning affiliate revenue from all of …

Our planned Dragon’s Den pitch

Here is an overview of our planned pitch to Dragon’s Den, and who will present each part: Intro (problem definition, our vision) – Sumesh User persona introduction and how this will engage with Neighbourhood: This is Kim….. Mariam Design …. Autumn Our clients and partners (explains the business model) …. …

Our team roles

After two months of working together, the Neighbourhood team is fulfilling these roles and responsibilities:   Autumn  Mariam Shivam Sumesh         Roles & responsibilities User Experience, Testing, and Design Product Development and Strategy Operations, Information & Data security Marketing, Creative and Business Development  

Project Management: using Trello collaboration software

Our project team are using Trello project management software. Trello is a collaboration tool that enables the organization of a project on a board, displaying tasks for team members, and the status of each task(s) that they are working on. For our project we have created columns based on the …