Building trust in what you see
Neighbourhood: working towards our ‘tipping point’

Neighbourhood: working towards our ‘tipping point’

Source: Malcolm Gladwell Via Pinterest

The “Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell explains that in a social group a few people can make a big difference to take-up of a new product or service… whereby the initial swell of interest from certain types of people, builds to make a product successful.

Our efforts at Neighbourhood, will be to target the right people, at the right time, to spread rapidly to highly engaged and lucrative customers and clients, that earn us affiliate fees. Gladwell splits important players within a social network into Connectors, Mavens, and Salespeople.

Source: Harold Jarche


Neighbourhood’s launch and user model, fits these crucial people in as follows:


Online social roles  How Neighbourhood users and partners fit in
Connectors (social glue)

They have connections to many people and can introduce you to everyone you should know to succeed


On Neighbourhood, we will have friend get friend buttons throughout the application, we will also keep emphasizing to our members, that the more people they invite in, the better it will be for everyone. Furthermore, we will especially target friend get friend incentives to ours user who have have high ‘betweenness centrality‘ according to graph theory. Meaning that the friends they help add, will be more likely to quickly enrich groups and subhoods throughout Neighbourhood.
Mavens (information brokers)
They have specialised information which
they are willing to share with as many
people as possible
On Neighbourhood, our Mavens are those who add interesting new groups, interests and activities. And also those who are willing to take the time to post reviews, enriching the information on the application for everyone.
Salespeople (evangelists)

They know how to promote ideas;
persuasion involves using verbal or non- verbal cues

Our client / business partners, will be excellent evangelists for Neighbourhood. Not every client will be, or fulfil this role, but a higher percentage of them will be salespeople than our regular users. Furthermore, within our individual user base, evangelists will be important, to spread the word and encourage new users to sign up.



All in all, this combined approach, will help us grow and start generating cash revenues quickly, and makes a strong case for the initial investment we need to get Neighbourhood off the ground!

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