Building trust in what you see
Author: <span>Shivam Tripathi</span>


A persona or buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer based on market research and real data about existing customers. It provides a focus for the insight of an organisation about its users. By using buyer personas, a company is able to identify and attract the most …

Blockchain vs Traditional Database

For our Neighborhood project we have considered the use of blockchain to store data for the web application. But after carrying out a feasibility study we have come to realize that blockchain technology is not feasible because there is a high level of cost to implement, specifically around the issue …

Project Management: using Trello collaboration software

Our project team are using Trello project management software. Trello is a collaboration tool that enables the organization of a project on a board, displaying tasks for team members, and the status of each task(s) that they are working on. For our project we have created columns based on the …