Building trust in what you see
Marketing in the real world: outdoor and ambient

Marketing in the real world: outdoor and ambient

Due to the nature of Neighbourhood, we are keen to be highly visible in local communities. This will encourage new users and clients to join the platform. Ambient marketing, may be simply described as:

“the attempt to approach consumers in an expanded range of everyday spaces”

Source: Elizabeth Moor, Journal of Consumer Culture

“Ambient was first used in relation to advertising in 1996 by Concord Advertising, a UK agency specialising in outdoor campaigns. It evolved from a need to apply a single term to what was an increasing request from clients for ‘something a bit different’ in their advertising.”

Source: Luxton and Drummond, Proceedings of ANZMAC, 2000 (PDF)

At Neighbourhood we will leverage outdoor marketing methods, by encouraging our clients to put up targeted deals and discounts for Neighbourhood users as part of their on-location marketing. Here is a good example of local, outdoor marketing, which appeals to people of a certain name, while encouraging social media sharing, seen in Brixton, in April 2018:

For Neighbourhood, for example, we could offer free entry to anyone with 10 reward points. Our designer, Autumn, has mocked up how this could look:

Ambient marketing can go even further than this, extending to the use of unusual props, visualisations and experiences in unexpected places.

“Unusual location is not the only point of difference for Ambient. The method of execution is often unusual as well. Holographic projections, role-plays and graffiti are a few examples of this and certainly fit within the ‘something different’ imperative.”

Source: Luxton and Drummond, Proceedings of ANZMAC, 2000 (PDF)

As Neighbourhood develops, we will explore more and more outdoor and ambient advertising opportunities in association with our partners, to reach new customers, and contribute to the fun local neighbourhood atmosphere we want to promote.

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