Building trust in what you see
Month: <span>April 2018</span>

Marketing in the real world: outdoor and ambient

Due to the nature of Neighbourhood, we are keen to be highly visible in local communities. This will encourage new users and clients to join the platform. Ambient marketing, may be simply described as: “the attempt to approach consumers in an expanded range of everyday spaces” Source: Elizabeth Moor, Journal of Consumer Culture …

Our team roles

After two months of working together, the Neighbourhood team is fulfilling these roles and responsibilities:   Autumn  Mariam Shivam Sumesh         Roles & responsibilities User Experience, Testing, and Design Product Development and Strategy Operations, Information & Data security Marketing, Creative and Business Development  

Logo Design

This post will introduce the design ideas of Neighbourhood’s logo, which is the visual representation of our brand values: Trust, Privacy, Having fun, Interests, Exploring. I use CorelDraw as the designing tool for the logo. Deservedly, I choose light green as our logo’s theme colour, keeping the same colour scheme of …

Neighbourhood system UML class diagram

The purpose of a class structure diagram is to show the static model of a system. “The UML representation of a class is a rectangle containing three compartments stacked vertically… The top compartment shows the class’s name. The middle compartment lists the class’s attributes. The bottom compartment lists the class’s …

Strategic PESTLE business analysis

“A PESTLE analysis is a framework to analyse the key factors influencing an organisation from the outside… senior managers can use the results of this analysis to guide strategic decision-making.” Source: CIPD  The following PESTLE analysis evaluates Neighbourhood’s business context and its strategic relevance under these headings. We will continually …

GDPR, Neighbourhood and privacy by design

At Neighbourhood, privacy, trust and security are core to our values and offer to users. Our conceptual design, and the development of our technology, marketing and communications, follows a ‘privacy by design’ approach. This year in the UK the new Data Protection Bill comes into force. This represents the regulatory …


ERGO (Ethics and Research Governance Online) is a web-based programme run by the University of Southampton that manages research submissions and applications, and ensures studies take place in accordance with University policies governing: Ethics (; Data management (; Health and Safety (; Academic Integrity ( In order to receive approval from the ERGO …

Trustworthy Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and Ratings are highly important to on and offline retailers, and can have a huge impact on the customer’s purchasing decisions. But unfortunately, reviews and rating are often filled with spam or false posts, aimed at misleading customers into believing things are far away from reality. To tackle this serious issue, …