Interdisciplinary blog

Rode Imaging Event

March 11, 2014
by Hembo Pagi via WSI | WSI

Few posts ago i wrote about imaging work at St. Nicholas church in Tallinn, Estonia. Now this has grown into bigger collaboration and a co-hosted event in coming May. There will be three speakers from ACRG: Graeme Earl, James Miles and me. Check the museum’s website for more information and registering .

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Interdisciplinary Research Week: Trust, Truth and Trolling – how we handle the web

March 7, 2014
by Lisa Harris via WSI | WSI

Tickets are free and you can book your place here Trust truth and trolling from lisa harris Can’t miss free coffee and muffins!
“Interdisciplinary Week @ UoS» Web Science MOOC #flwebsci #IDRW2014” — Edita (@Edita_Tama) March 6, 2014

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Interdisciplinary Research Week: “The Digital University”

March 7, 2014
by Lisa Harris via WSI | WSI

Tickets are free and can be booked here

The Digital University from sotonDE

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My Archaeologist is an App

March 4, 2014
by Graeme Earl via WSI | WSI

I’ve now listened to the second of the excellent programmes by @Sarah_Montague on @BBCRadio4 about the revolution in educational technology, and also the interesting discussion this morning on @BBCr4today between Professor Mary Beard (Cambridge), Professor Martin Bean (VC of the Open University) and Sarah Montague. This is a revolution that excites me no end, but I also share the concerns identified in …

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Memory Institutions and the Web Poster at Web Science Institute Research Week

March 3, 2014
by Nicole Beale via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

Last week the Web Science Institute hosted its annual Research Week at the Royal Society. I was unable to attend the event, but did submit a poster to be displayed alongside other Web Science Doctoral Training Centre postgraduate students’ work. The Research Week is a fantastic opportunity each year to present the work that you have been doing to industry …

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INSPIRE Conference II, 28 February, 2014

March 1, 2014
by Luke Goater via Digital Economy USRG

Over 70 delegates were inspired by a vibrant conference which showcased the outcomes of the British Council and the Pakistan Higher Education Commission’s INSPIRE initiative, and set the direction for future partnerships. Talks by Professor Dr Mukhtar Ahmed (Executive Director of HEC), Peter Upton (Pakistan Director, British Council), Mr Balighur Rehman, Minister for Education and […]

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WiSET/WFRC Campbell Lecture: So who was Ishbel Campbell?

February 19, 2014
by Josephine Corsi via Work Thought Blog

One month today, WiSET will be hosting the annual Campbell Lecture, in celebration of women in STEM subjects. This year’s double bill is co-sponsored by the WFRC, but it’s surprisingly hard to find information on who Ishbel Campbell was, and why we have a lecture named after her. WFRC coordinator Jo Corsi decided to find out […]

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Work Futures for Older Workers

February 12, 2014
by Josephine Corsi via Work Thought Blog

This edition of the Work Thought Blog was contributed by WFRC chair Susan Halford. As the 21st century unfolds, it is rapidly becoming clear that most of us – in the West at least – will have to stretch our working lives far further into old age than the recently retiring generations. The steps taken […]

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INSPIRE in Dubai

February 11, 2014
by Luke Goater via Digital Economy USRG

A productive and enjoyable time was had this week in Dubai at the INSPIRE International Research Conference. As well as presentations from scholars from IMSciences and other institutions in Pakistan, including IBA-Sukkur, COMSATS IIT-Attock, BahauddinZakariya University, Multan, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, the University of Lahore, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak and the University of […]

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Portus Summer Blog Round-Up

January 18, 2014
by Kristian Strutt via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

Between May and December last year I found myself working for quite a period of time on the Portus survey and excavations. The research and practical elements of the project were, as ever, thrilling, involving a large team of individuals from different backgrounds interested in different aspects of the archaeology of the site and surrounding landscape, and on the different …

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