Interdisciplinary blog


Media Archaeology

May 13, 2012
by Sotondh via Digital Humanities

Jussi Parikka from sotonDH will be talking at the CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) seminar in Cambridge on 23 May 2012. The talk entitled “What is Media Archaeology?” will examine the theoretical challenges of studying digital culture and memory. Media Archaeology opens up the sedimented layers of contemporary media […]

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Leipzig eHumanities award

May 6, 2012
by Sotondh via Digital Humanities

The Leipzig centre for eHumanities has recently announced a new award scheme: the eHumanities innovation award. The award aims to recognise “emerging researchers who have developed new automated methods for the analysis of Humanities content”. The Leipzig team emphasises that they are not looking for scholars who applied existing methods to digital data, but instead […]

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