Our thanks to Dr Scott Border for highlighting the following student achievement. Dr Border is Principal Teaching Fellow in Anatomy, founding member of the Medical Education Innovation Network (MEIN) and host of the Teaching and Scholarship Podcast. He is passionate about developing online learning platforms and peer teaching. He is also a Personal Tutor and supported Uyiosa Ogunbor in her application.
Uyiosa Ogunbor, a final year medical student currently studying at the University has received the Akindolie Scholarship.

The prestigious Akindolie Scholarship, set up in honour of Dr Frank Olufemi Akindolie, recognises BAME medical students demonstrating exceptional academic ability, whilst giving back to society alongside the rigors of medical school.
Uyiosa received the award, having demonstrated her academic proficiency and positive impact of her company Medsimple, which she founded in her second year. Medsimple is a learning platform and service-based company providing up-to-date, centralised and personalised resources for all stages of the medicine admissions process. The platform has hundreds of videos and thousands of questions, allowing students to learn at their own pace, make notes and ask questions, whilst tailoring their application to medical school.
The Medsimple workshops target Year 9 – 13 students and have been highly rated by both students and staff members. The workshops are also delivered to and tailored for students in areas of low progression into higher education, where widening access into Medicine is much needed.
Uyiosa says, “It is an absolute honour to have my work recognised. I hope my journey thus far as a med-entrepreneur inspires other students to have a vision, think big but impact and serves as a reminder to take hold of the opportunities we are fortunate to receive at university.”
Medsimple site: www.medsimple.co.uk
Akindolie site: https://funkeabimbola.com/medical-scholarship