Select Page
  • Stakeholders
    Assign owner (who will oversee future updates), peer-reviewer
    , designers, subject matter experts.
  • Constraints
    Time, money, resources, expertise.
  • Learning Needs Analysis
    Is learning the requirement as opposed to new systems, processes, equipment, people etc?
  • Learning Objectives
    Write top level aims.
    How will they be measured? 
  • Final format
    WordPress website, BlackBoard, Panopto, Articulates, Prezi, Powtoon, video, audio, Word doc, PowerPoint, PDF?
  • Audiences
    Gap analysis – skills, knowledge and attitudes. What is their level, what do they study, language skills, needs?  Do you know if they are using PCs/mobiles? Existing experience, familiarity with subject? 
  • Deliverables
    When and what (milestones).
  • Sign off
    Obtain approval from stakeholders.

This is step 1. Go to next step…


An overview of a course:

Download as Word document.

Owner (main contact)
Subject Matter Experts
Delivery target date
Audience Staff / Student / Other
Format (e.g. Website, Video?)
Course aims/goals
Learning Objectives
Sign off
Date signed off


Further resources on this topic:

Overview diagram of a full project management:

Project work breakdown

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