Workshop 1: Being an International Student (2)
Outline of Materials
Our Langsnap Guide 1: Being an International Student, addresses some key issues facing students who undertake a period of residence abroad as an international student.
The selection of learning outcomes for this workshop, and for the complementary materials accompanying it, emerged from our qualitative data, where the most salient issues to be addressed were:
- Adapting to unpredictable administrative and organizational differences
- Assessment and expectations of what an undergraduate student “should know”
- Studying complex topics in a foreign language
- Dealing with emotions related to this aspect of their experience
The workshop, in-class tasks and follow-up activities proposed in this guide, are designed to help students develop their awareness of some of these challenges, and to help them reflect on their possible impact on their experience as international students before departure, so they can develop some possible strategies to cope with them once they are abroad.
Downloadable Documents
IMPORTANT: This guide and the complementary materials were designed with the intention to be shared with all educators, administrators or other professionals who require to prepare undergraduates for study abroad. The materials can be modified and adapted to particular needs free of charge, but the intellectual property of this initiative must be acknowledged by citing the original guide, and the source where it can be found. All the credits to the Langsnap team and project must be clearly displayed on any modified versions you create. Released under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.