Undertaking your role

Appointment Letter

Once your nomination has been approved by the University you will be sent a Letter of Appointment which is also your contract with the University.  The letter sets out the details of your appointment and other useful information.

Getting Started

The School that you will be working with will contact you separately regarding discipline/programme specific issues and will carry out a discipline/programme induction.  This should take place shortly after your appointment, but also in good time before you are asked to review student work or attend a Board of Examiners.

Guidance regarding the role of external examiner

A more detailed description of the role of external examiner is located in the Procedures, however in short, the University asks the external examiner to:

  • assure the academic standards set for, and achieved by, students
  • assure the University that the assessment processes are sound and fairly operated
  • provide advice to the programme team
  • attend the required Boards of Examiners meeting(s)
  • provide an written report

In order to help you undertake this role, you will:

  • have the opportunity to meet with students and staff (as agreed by the School)
  • be asked to review the form and content of draft examination papers and coursework assessments
  • be provided with assessed student work, the marks awarded by internal examiners, and evidence of the moderation process

We will also ask you to:

  • work closely with the academic and professional services teams involved in the operation of the University’s assessment processes.
  • make suggestions on education enhancement opportunities and approaches and to comment on proposed changes to the programme structure and curriculum
  • commend areas of good pedagogic or innovative practice

What is NOT part of the external examiner role:

  • External examiners must not be directly involved in marking and assessment of individual students. This includes larger pieces of work including undergraduate dissertations and masters dissertations. All Schools are required to have in place documented mechanisms to resolve cases of disagreement between internal markers, and these should be followed.
  • If, exceptionally, the external examiner is asked to comment on an individual case where these mechanisms have not led to a resolution, the final decision in such cases will remain with the Board of Examiners collectively.
  • External examiners cannot change marks or degree classifications for individual candidates. Rather their role is to confirm that marking criteria and marking standards are appropriate and are being applied appropriately and consistently.

Support for new external examiners

If this is your first time acting as an external examiner, the University has expectations that the School will provide you with a more detailed induction as well as additional support.  This may include giving you the opportunity to work with a mentor or to participate in shadowing and existing external examiner.  If there is any other that it would be helpful, please mention this to any of the School based staff, including the Programme Team.

Please notify us if you move to another institution during your period of appointment.

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