The Role
Please notify us immediately if you move to another institution during your period of appointment. You can inform the administrative team in the School or the Quality, Standards and Accreditation Team via the ‘contact us’ page on this site. The University will carry out any necessary checks to ensure that your change in circumstances does not result in a conflict of interest being created.
Attending at the University
External examiners are members of the Board of Examiners for the programme(s) / module(s) to which they are appointed. This is set out in your Letter of Appointment and you are expected to attend a Board of Examiners at least once a year. Virtual attendance by the external examiner, using a University of Southampton approved platform such as Microsoft Teams, is considered as being ‘in attendance’ at the Board of Examiners meeting.
Depending on how the Boards are organised, you may be a member of more than one Board of Examiners. The School will provide you with dates of future Boards as soon as they are available.
External examiners are usually expected to visit the relevant University campus for their programme annually. This will normally be to attend the meeting of the Board of Examiners but may be at other times during the year if they attend the Board of Examiners meeting virtually. During these visits, external examiners will be asked to consider samples of assessment, meet students and the programme team.
You will have the following main functions at a Board of Examiners:
- to assist the Board in the consideration and final determination of module and year results for the taught programmes of study under its remit;
- to assist the Board in making recommendations on awards and progression in accordance with the University regulations and relevant programme regulations as set out in the University Calendar;
- to assist the Board in making recommendations on referrals, repeats and the withdrawal of students as appropriate and in accordance with the University regulations and relevant programme regulations as set out in the University Calendar;
- to ensure equity of treatment for students;
- to consider module and programme data and contribute to discussions regarding recommendations for action;
- to provide brief oral feedback on the programme(s) particularly around marking standards and assessment processes prior to submitting your written report;
- to certify the outcomes of the Board in terms of progression and recommendations to award degrees.
The University encourages external examiners to meet with groups of students in order to obtain feedback on the student learning experience and the programme(s) that they are examining. You should liaise with the appropriate department to arrange this. There is, however, no requirement to hold such meetings. When such meetings take place, the discussions should not inform the consideration of the marks of participating students at the Board of Examiners. Such meetings should also not be used for viva voce examinations. Meetings are encouraged to take place both in-person and virtually.
Policies, Procedures and Regulations
The Calendar is the definitive source of regulations for the University.
The policies and procedures can be found in the Assessment section of the University’s Quality Handbook.
More detail is also available on the Regulations, Policies and Procedures page on this site.
These can be found in the University’s Quality Handbook under the section for external examiners and specifically in the External Examiner Procedures document.
All programmes are expected to follow the University’s approved Double-Blind Marking and Moderation Policy.
The policy applies to summative assessments on both undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes and specifies the University’s minimum requirements.
The University has an Assessment Feedback to Students Policy which all programmes are expected to follow.
IT Access
The School will provide you with access as required to password protected areas e.g. E-assignments, Blackboard, SharePoint.
If you have any queries please contact the relevant Curriculum and Quality Assurance (CQA) Team:
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities –
- Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences –
- Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences –
- Faculty of Medicine –
- Faculty of Social Sciences –
Yes. Details of your personal login details for password protected areas that you may require access to will be provided in your Letter of Appointment.
The report template, which includes content controls to aid completion, is available in the Quality Handbook or you can click on this link External Examiner report form template.
If you wish you to complete the report using an Apple Mac you may find you require a version of the template without content controls External Examier report form template for MAC users.
Fees and expenses
This will depend on whether you are an external examiner for undergraduate or postgraduate taught programmes. Please see the section on Fees and Expenses for more details.
There are separate claim forms for undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes. Please see the section on Fees and Expenses for full details and the appropriate claim forms.
Payment of your fee is conditional upon the completion of your duties in full, including attendance at meetings and submission of written reports, both annually and at the end of your term of office. Please see the section on Fees and Expenses for more details.