Inspiration from Melanie Martinez – Mrs. Potato Head

The idea for my film came across rather abstractly – I knew I was interested in a commercial for a cosmetics brand, but there was no concrete idea for what exactly. I tend to find a lot of inspiration in music, because the melodies of a song create a feeling and image in my head. Melanie Martinez’s album “Cry Baby” focuses on the character Cry Baby, a sort of childlike embodiment of the singer facing her current issues and concerns. The entire album has a whimsical feel to it while tackling very serious matters, such as abusive familial relationships and the harms of modern societal beauty standards. ‘Mrs. Potato Head’ in particular is difficult to watch: it is centered around a young infatuated couple, both attractive and happy. The man presents the woman with a slip for a facelift appointment, assuring her it will be an improvement. Driven by either love or insecurity, the woman follows through, enduring a surgery stuffing her chest, plumping her lifts, and altering her face. The visuals are haunting, if not a bit uncomfortable, as you witness the surgeon carve and peel off her skin, leaving her blotchy, misshapen, and deeply depressed. The man leaves her, disgusted by her new appearance (which he paid for), and quickly replaces her.

My film is not so serious as this, but the music video struck a chord with me. I wanted to capture a modern problem and am hoping to incorporate a childlike whimsy to filming. It’s too easy to provide a message about “loving the real you,” it’s about creating media that sticks with viewers so they remember the visuals and connect it with the message. Part of what makes Melanie Martinez so memorable is how she forces her audience to watch very harsh realities in a childlike way – it is jarring, in fact. Adult situations are, clearly, meant for adults, and by styling it to be colorful and cute, we as an audience squirm. But it sticks, and it works. Storytelling, I  believe, is less efficient if it’s easy to put together, and I’m hoping to create something like that, even if it is less cynical than Martinez’s work.

With my budget, I know I cannot uphold the atmosphere I would like, with brighter colors and decorations, but I am hoping to edit my film to have a somewhat similar feel to ‘Mrs. Potato Head.’ I love how there are some very dull and dreary scenes, but it all has the same feeling. The bright atmosphere tricks you into thinking everything will be happy, and if I can incorporate that, I’d be very pleased.

One thought on “Inspiration from Melanie Martinez – Mrs. Potato Head”

  1. Some very good analysis of the film and into the wider contexts of the human condition. Like your thinking here, Bridgett and am looking forward to seeing how your project will take shape over the next few weeks. Best, Steve.

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