BBC Planet Earth

We all know BBC’s stunning Planet Earth series. Inspired by the visuals, narrative and sound design, I want to explore ways in which I can apply filming and editing techniques similar to that seen within the series, within my short film about Guernsey.

Colour grading is something that I desire to learn and believe it will enable my short film to have further impact on my audience. Colour grading done on film cameras such as that of blackMagic cameras or RED cameras gives the footage a sense of depth as the raw footage that comes out of the camera is extremely flat. Through colour grading, elements such as the leopard shown within the thumbnail above, become more bold and vibrant and detailed. This as a whole, will further enhance the appeal and effectiveness of the sequence to the eyes of the audience, especially in any travel/wildlife documentary.

The use of sound design within this series is something in particular that I want to learn. It adds so much more depth to the sequence than just purely having background music. I believe that the sound within any film is vital for creating an impact and this is especially so for commercials. Within my film, I want to incorporate sound design as it will add another element of depth. Although visuals are a key feature within any commercial, sound added to the visuals create a sequence that captivates the attention of an audience.

Because I am making a commercial for a location, simple ambient sounds such as that of background noise in a cafe, or sounds of the ocean added discretely within the sequence will bring the sequence to life. The subtle sounds will add to the film. This use of sound design is something in particular that I want to experiment with within the making process of the film.

One thought on “BBC Planet Earth”

  1. Some good observations about the importance of sound in film, Sophie. Using a good set of headphones can highlight sounds that possibly you didn’t know were there and can add depth to the overall design.
    Sound editor, Walter Murch is one the best sound designers in film – he’s best known for The Godfather films and Apocalypse Now. There’s an insightful introduction by him in Michel Chion’s book Audi-Vision which we look at next year in DPT. In the meantime, here a YouTube link that might be useful for your research.
    Best, Steve.

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