Really nice example of using photoshop to make motion

屏幕快照 2017-11-05 上午9.16.47 屏幕快照 2017-11-05 上午9.17.04 屏幕快照 2017-11-05 上午9.17.31 屏幕快照 2017-11-05 上午9.17.47

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This is a really nice example of using photoshop to make motion. It is not title sequence but the way it create the mask to the man and the animated images are  extremely visually attractive and worked quite well. I think it is also a good idea to learn from how it made the video and apply what has been learnt on the title sequence we made.

One thought on “Really nice example of using photoshop to make motion”

  1. Good to see this up on the blog, Jiajia. Hopefully it might inspire other students in a similar way that you have. Looking forward to seeing how you use this masking technique in your project. It would be great of we could look at something in the next tutorial? Best wishes, Steve.

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