Printed works on Neolithic ditched enclosures

The list below includes printed works on Archaeology, the Neolithic and ditched enclosures in Prehistoric Europe. It prioritises general studies, handbooks and introductory texts which provide an overview of common issues or regional phenomena. If you think we are missing an important source, please, let us know in the contact section of the website. Thank you!
- Bahn P (2000) Archaeology: a very short introduction. Revised ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fagan B and Durrani N (2013) In the Beginning. An Introduction to Archaeology. 13th Revised ed. Pearson Publishing.
- Gamble C (2015) Archaeology. The basics. 3rd Revised ed. Routledge.
- Kelly RL and Thomas DH (2016) Archaeology. 7th ed. Wadsworth Publishing.
- Renfrew C and Bahn P (2012) Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. 6th ed New York: Thames & Hudson.
Prehistory and the Neolithic
- Chazan M (2013) World Prehistory and Archaeology: Pathways Through Time. 3rd Revised ed. Pearson.
- Feder KL (2013) The Past in Perspective: An Introduction to Human Prehistory. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Fowler C, Harding J and Hofmann D (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gosden C (2003) Prehistory: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- McCarter S (2007) Neolithic. New York: Routledge.
- Mithen S (2006) After the Ice: A Global Human History 20,000-5000 BC. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
- Scarre C (ed) (2013) The Human Past: World Prehistory & the Development of Human Societies. 3rd Revised ed. London: Thames & Hudson.
- Whittle, A (1996) Europe in the Neolithic. The creation of new worlds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Neolithic enclosures in Europe
- Andersen, N (1997) Sarup vol. 1. The Sarup enclosures. Moesgaard: Jutland Archaeological Society Publications series XXXIII.
- Bradley R (1998) The Significance of Monuments: On the Shaping of Human Experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe. London ; New York: Routledge.
- Burgess, C, Topping, P, Mordant C and Maddison, M (ed) (1988). Enclosures and defences in the Neolithic of Western Europe (British Archaeological Reports International series 43 (ii)). Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Darvill T and Thomas J (ed) (2001) Neolithic enclosures in Atlantic Northwest Europe. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
- Gibson A (ed) (2002) Behind Wooden Walls: Neolithic Palisaded Enclosures in Europe. BAR International Series 1013. Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Varndell G and Topping P (ed) (2002) Enclosures in Neolithic Europe. Essays on Causewayed and Non-Causewayed sites. Oxford: Oxbow.
Ditched enclosures in Britain
- Barclay G (1998) Temples and Tombs: Neolithic Scotland. Edinburgh: Birlinn.
- Harding J (2003) Henge Monuments of the British Isles. Stroud: Tempus.
- Oswald A, Dyer C and Barber M (2001) The Creation of Monuments: Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures in the British Isles. Swindon: English Heritage.
- Pitts M (2001) Hengeworld. London: Arrow Books.
- Pollard J (1997) Neolithic Britain. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.
- Thomas J (1999) Understanding the Neolithic. London: Routledge.
- Whittle A, Healy F and Bayliss A (ed) (2011) Gathering Time. Dating the Early Neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland. Oxford: Oxbow.
Ditched enclosures in Scandinavia
- Andersen N (2015) ‘Causewayed Enclosures in Northern and Western Europe’. In C Fowler, J Harding, and D Hofmann (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 795-812.
- Andersen N (2002): «Neolithic enclosures of Scandinavia». In G Varndell and P. Topping, (ed), Enclosures in Neolithic Europe. Enssays on Causewayed and Non-Causewayed sites, Oxford: Oxbow Books, p. 1-10.
- Thorpe IJ (2001) «Danish causewayed enclosures – temporary monuments?» In T Darvill and J Thomas: Neolithic enclosures in Atlantic Nortwest Europe. Oxford: Oxbow Books, p. 190-203.
Ditched enclosures in Central Europe
- Badisches Landesmuseum (ed) (2010) Jungsteinzeit im Umbruch. Die “Michelsberger Kultur” und Mitteleuropa vor 6000 Jahren. Darmstadt.
- Bertemes F and Meller H (ed) (2012) Neolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Europa – Neolithic Circular Enclosures in Europe. Internationale Arbeitstagung vom 7. bis 9. Mai 2004 in Goseck, Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, Band 8.
- Kovárník J, Květ R and Podborský V (2006) «Europe’s oldest civilisation and its rondels: the real story». Antiquity 80 (310).
- Meller H (ed) (2013) 3300 BC. Mysteriöse Steinzeittote und ihre Welt. Begleitband Sonderausstellung Landemsmuseum Halle 2013/2014. Mainz.
- Meyer M and Raetzel-Fabian D (2006) “Neolithische Grabenwerke in Mitteleuropa. Ein Überblick”. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology 8.
- Petrasch J (2015) «Central European Enclosures». In C Fowler, J Harding, and D Hofmann (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 763-778.
- Raetzel-Fabian D (1999) «Der umhegte Raum. Überlegungen zur Funktion monumentaler Erdwerke». Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte 81, p. 86-117.
Ditched enclosures in Iberia
- Delibes, G, García M, del Olmo J, Santiago J (2014) Recintos de fosos calcolíticos del Valle Medio del Duero. Arqueología aérea y espacial. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid.
- Díaz-del-Río P (2004) «Copper Ager Ditched Enclosures In Central Iberia». Oxford Journal Of Archaeology 23 (2), p. 107-21.
- Márquez-Romero JE and Jiménez-Jáimez V (2010) Recintos de Fosos. Genealogía y significado de una tradición en la Prehistoria del suroeste de la Península Ibérica (IV-III milenios AC). Málaga: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga.
- Márquez-Romero, JE and Jiménez-Jáimez V (2013) «Monumental ditched enclosures in Southern Iberia (fourth-third Millennia Cal BC)». Antiquity 87 (336), p. 447-60.
- Valera AC (2013) «Recintos de fossos da Pré-História Recente em Portugal. Investigação, discursos, salvaguarda e divulgação». Al-Madam Série II 18, p. 93-110.
Individual sites
- Andersen, N (1997) Sarup vol. 1. The Sarup enclosures. Moesgaard: Jutland Archaeological Society Publications series XXXIII.
- Aronson M and Parker Pearson M (2010) If stones could speak: unlocking the secrets of Stonehenge. Washington: National Geographic Books.
- Chippindale C (2012) Stonehenge complete. 4th ed London: Thames and Hudson/Cornell University Press.
- Gillings M and Pollard J (2004) Avebury. London: Duckworth.
- Parker Pearson M (2012) Stonehenge: exploring the greatest Stone Age mystery. London: Simon and Schuster.
- Pryor F (1998): Etton. Excavations at a Neolithic causewayed enclosure near Maxey Cambridgeshire 1982-7. London: English Heritage.
- Richards JC (2007) Stonehenge: the story so far. Swindon: English Heritage.
- Richards JC (2013) English Heritage Guide to Stonehenge. London: English Heritage.
- Whittle A, Pollard J and Grigson C (1999) The harmony of symbols. The Windmill Hill causewayed enclosure. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Central Europe
- Geschwinde M, Raetzel-Fabian D (2009) EWBSL. Eine Fallstudie zu den jungneolithischen Erdwerken am Nordrand der Mittelgebirge. Beitr. zur Arch. in Niedersachsen 14, Rahden/Westf.
- Knoche B (2008) Die Erdwerke von Soest (Kr. Soest) und Nottuln-Uphoven (Kr. Coesfeld). Studien zum Jungneolithikum in Westfalen. Münster. Beitr. Ur- und Frühgesch. Arch. 3, Rahden/Westf.
- Raetzel-Fabian D (2000) Calden. Erdwerk und Bestattungsplätze des Jungneolithikums. Architektur – Ritual – Chronologie. Univ. Forsch, Prähist. Arch. 70, Bonn 2000.
- Schwarz R (2003) Pilotstudien. Zwölf Jahre Luftbildarchäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt. Halle (Saale).
- Schyle D (1997) Das jungneolithische Erdwerk von Salzkotten-Oberntudorf, Kr. Paderborn. Die Ausgrabungen 1988 bis 1992. Bodenaltertümer Westfalens 33, Mainz.
- Seidel U (2008) Michelsberger Erdwerke im Raum Heilbronn: Neckarsulm.Obereisenberg “Hetzenberg” und Ilsfeld “Ebene”, Lkr. Heibronn, Heilbronn-Klingenberg “Schloßberg”, Stadtkreis Heilbronn. Materialh. Arch. Baden-Württemberg 81,1-2, Stuttgart.
- Bernabeu J, Orozco T, Dìez A, Gómez M and Molina FJ (2003): «Mas D’Is (Penàguila, Alicante): Aldeas y recintos monumentales del Neolítico Inicial en el Valle del Serpis». Trabajos de Prehistoria, 60 (2), p. 39-59.
- García Sanjuán L (2013) «El asentamiento de la Edad del Cobre de Valencina de la Concepción; estado actual de la investigación, debates y perspectivas». In L García Sanjuán, J M Vargas Jiménez, V Hurtado, T Ruiz Moreno and R Cruz-Auñón (ed), El asentamiento prehistórico de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla). Investigación y tutela en el 150 aniversario del descubrimiento de La Pastora. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, p. 21-59.
- Lizcano R (1999) El Polideportivo de Martos (Jaén): un yacimiento neolítico del IV milenio a.C. Nuevos datos para la reconstrucción del proceso histórico del Alto Guadalquivir. Córdoba: Cajasur.
- Martín de la Cruz JC (1985-1986) Papa Uvas. Aljaraque, Huelva. 2 vols. Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España, 136 and 149. Madrid.
- Rojo, MA, Kunst M, Garrido R, García I and Morán G (2008): Paisajes de la memoria: asentamientos del Neolítico Antiguo en el Valle de Ambrona (Soria, España). Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid.
- Valera AC, Silva AM and Márquez-Romero JE (2014) «The temporality of Perdigões enclosures: absolute chronology of the structures and social practices». Spal 23, p.11-26.
- Zafra N, Hornos F, Castro M (1999) «Una macro-aldea en el origen del modo de vida campesino: Marroquíes Bajos (Jaén) c. 2500-2000 cal. ANE». Trabajos de Prehistoria, 56 (1), p. 77-102.
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