Between April 19th and 21st, Dr Cristina Azaola delivered the workshop ‘In search of school belonging in technical high schools through a teachers’ jury’ in Mexico City. 57 teachers from technical high schools from the states of Edomex, Hidalgo, Morelos and CDMX attended the workshop. Through highly collaborative group activities the teachers reflected upon their daily work challenges during the first day, whereas Dr Azaola, Dr Luis Mata (UNAM) and Dr Ana Razo (CIDE) shared their research findings on school belonging on the second day.
On day 3, teachers reflected on the evidence shared on the previous two days to propose ideas to implement better school belonging in their classrooms. The results from the workshop were incorporated on an electronic poster that was distributed across the participants and their networks of collaboration so that other teachers from technical high schools can benefit from the proposals from this group of 57 teachers. The workshop was funded by Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF), many thanks for their support!
The final posters comprising the recommendations of the teachers’ jury in relation to how teachers can improve school belonging in their schools and classrooms can be accessed in the Spanish versions and English versions. To know more please visit the project’s website.