Welcome to the University of Southampton blog for the Centre for Innovation in Mental Health (CIMH) the purpose of which is to disseminate lab-generated knowledge.
Our staff, students and Clinical trainees will submit reviews of their own research, as well as summaries of recent, important and useful evidence for service users, their families, and other interested parties.

The Centre for Innovation in Mental Health (CiMH) is a major new initiative that unites psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists with our partners in local schools and NHS services to deliver translational mental health research across the life span.
The CiMH combines our expertise in child development, psychological interventions and affective neuroscience to deliver cutting edge research that has the potential to transform people’s lives. The Centre hosts research facilities in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Southampton, and provides postgraduate research training opportunities for students on our Doctoral Programmes in Clinical Psychology (DClin), Educational Psychology (DEdPsyc), MSc Foundations in Clinical Psychology, Academic Fellowships in Psychiatry (ACF) and CBT courses.