Building trust in what you see
Author: <span>Sumesh</span>

Survey Questions and Analysis of results

Our user survey was conducted for 5 days from 28th April 2018 until the 2nd of May 2018. In total there were 10 questions, out of which 4 of them were optional based on previously selected options. Our initial plan for the survey was to capture information about interactions between …


ERGO (Ethics andĀ ResearchĀ GovernanceĀ Online) is a web-based programme run by the University of Southampton that manages research submissions and applications, and ensures studies take place in accordance with University policies governing: Ethics (; Data management (; Health and Safety (; Academic Integrity ( In order to receive approval from the ERGO …

Trustworthy Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and Ratings are highly important to on and offline retailers, and canĀ have a huge impact on the customer’s purchasing decisions.Ā But unfortunately, reviews and rating are often filled with spam or false posts, aimed at misleading customers into believing things are far away from reality. To tackle this serious issue, …

Client Marketing Model – Deals Discounts and Rewards

As a consumer, our loyalty towards a brand, products or services is determined by the quality and customer services that they provide. Having said that deals and discounts also plays an important and an encouraging role in maintaining customer loyalty. We as consumers tend to get attracted towards a product …