The 30th September 2022 marked a significant milestone in the Maritime Engineering group. Prof Ajit Shenoi, who joined the then Ship Science Department in October 1981 completed 41 years of tireless contributions to our research, teaching, culture and ethos. On his retirement we have lost direct continuity back to our graduates from the ’80s.

It was great to catch up with Ajit, also joined by long retired Prof Tony Molland, and have a high speed run on the tank carriage. For those who know and remember Ajit from their time at Southampton he will be continuing as an Emeritus Professor and keeping us on our toes. Ajit’s contribution to maritime research especially in the field of lightweight composites is exceptional and many high up in industry owe their expertise to his insights. For the University he was instrumental in the bottom up creation of Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute which brought together the many interests at Southampton from oceanography, law, through to history and archaeology as well as the ship scientists. SMMI celebrates 10 years of formal existence in ’22 but the initial collaborations started around the millennium and were key alongside collaboration with industry in the development of the Boldrewood Innovation Campus with its many laboratories and facilities. We wish Ajit all the best for his well deserved retirement