Hydrodynamic slamming: General aspects and solution methods

Our next seminar is on Feb 11th 2016, 12:00-13:00  in B176/2013. All are welcome to attend.
Dr.Ioannis K. Chatjigeorgiou from National Technical University of Athens.
Hydrodynamic slamming is the phenomenon that is induced by the violent collision of a volume of liquid with a structure. It is violent because of the large velocities (either of the liquid or the structure) which are developed at the time of the impact. The duration is short but the loads exerted on the impacted structure are huge. Typical examples which are of great interest for marine applications are, the sudden entry of ship sections in an otherwise calm free-surface and the breaking wave (overturning, plunging-type waves) impact on structures. Violent hydrodynamic slamming has other important applications as well, such as sloshing of liquids in enclosed compartments.
Indeed the phenomenon under consideration is literarily unexplored and many aspects of it ill-understood. 3D solutions are scarce in the literature and when they exist, they concern simple geometries. Aside from the difficulties associated with the formulation of the breaking waves at the time of the impact (shape, velocity, existence of cavity, possible aeration), 3D slamming problems involve more challenges which arise from the fact that the actual impacted area is one of the problem’s unknowns.
The lecture will address some of the issues associated with the hydrodynamic slamming due to the wave impact on otherwise still structural components, focusing on the proper formulation of the problem and the employment of robust mathematical methodologies for the solution.
Dr.-Eng. Ioannis K. Chatjigeorgiou is Associate Professor in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. He is currently Professor (Marie Curie Research Fellow) in the School of Mathematics of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. In the past he has been a visiting professor in Ecole Centrale Marseille, France and NTUN, Trondheim, Norway. He has more than 20 years experience in teaching and research, while he has participated in many research projects. Aside from hydrodynamic slamming, his has worked on issues related with linear and nonlinear hydrodynamics, hydroelasticity, wave resistance problems, interactions of structures with waves-current, environmental loading and response of floating structures, cable and slender structures dynamics, dynamics of pipes (risers) with axial flow, numerical methods in line dynamics, design and analysis of mooring systems, hydromechanics analysis of moored floating structures.