Tow Tank Carriage installation underway

Gift wrapped - the first part arrives...
Gift wrapped – the first part arrives…

And into the loading bay

Progress has gone well since the hand over of the new fluids laboratory building from the main contractors in early March. The passive beach at the east end has been installed along with the active side beaches on the south wall. The components of the main carriage started arriving this morning and should be assembled over the next two weeks.
1st June is scheduled for the start of tank fill with a cautious process with 3000 tonnes of water required. This gives a week for us to prepare demonstrations using the wavemakers for the university open day on the 3rd and 4th July. We are looking forward to showing visitors around as well as making a start on a number of research projects.
We are delighted to announce that our Towing tank manager, Bertrand Malas has now started work and will be delighted to discuss future use of the facility as progressively more of its capabilities become available.