A* IHPC /SMMI Lab to feature in Singapore promotion video

Our research base in IHPC Singapore, with Nick explaining his work
Our research base in IHPC Singapore, with Nick explaining his work

Two FSI members of staff, Dr’s Nick Townsend and Adam Sobey were present during the filming.  Celsius Tan the Executive Assistant from IHPC – SMMI Joint Lab reports that on the 17th March 2015, IHPC – SMMI Joint Lab venue was chosen to be part of a short video by A*STAR Corporate Communications to showcase the significance of the marine sector for Singapore’s economy, and the importance of R&D in the shipping industry. A*STAR Corporate Communications notes that the film.
The film will take a narrative approach that is inspired by movie trailers.  This allows us to move quickly through a topic, with sequences which can be highly stylized and exciting. This video will have a slightly grander scope, looking at location shooting in the research labs as well as at a shipyard. 
The following points will be brought into the script mix, adding the educational and emotional content to the story: 

  • Singapore is a seafaring nation
  • Partnerships and collaborations are important to research
  • Rising costs and competition mean that ships will have to be more efficient as well as durable.  At the end of a ship’s lifespan scrapping has great environmental and human cost 


  • The marine sector is a significant engine of Singapore’s economy.