Farewell 2017 and welcome 2018!

The year 2017 has been full of adventure! It may not all be sunshine and rainbows but the memories obtained throughout the year were well worth remembering.

So what am I to expect for the upcoming 2018? Well, I know there are several coursework and assignments welcoming me as the deadlines approachĀ and to stress myself further, the examination is in the third week of January! OH NO! But fear not, because, with the companionship of caffeine from coffee and my battle comrades (the library gang), we will be able to strive through this war!

Enough with the academic related stuff and let us focus on the beautiful world outside of coursework and assignments. Though studies may seem to be a big part of any studentā€™s life, I am always excited to know what my peers of USMC have in plan for the new year. Just this December, there was so much going on!

December started with a bang as TEDxUSMC’s first ever main event was successfully held by our very own students from USMC. I wasĀ lucky enough to be involved in the marketing team alongside Jeremy and Arhum. Interested in the happenings of TEDxUSMC? Then head over to their main website as I blogged about the event! http://tedxusmc.com/Ā 

Proud to be part of the TEDxUSMC history!

Following the impactful event full of engaging activities and purposeful talk, we had our very own Open Mic held by USMC Music Club! Apart from excellent academic skills, I can proudly say that the students here are multi-talented as a few amazed the audience with their outstanding performance. Lecturers were also involved and nobody can ever forget Prof. John Atkinsonā€™s stunning performance.

Virtual spotlight from the audience
Prof. John Atkinson performing

The very next day, USMCā€™s newly established club, the EsportsĀ Club, held the Dota Tournament 2.0!Ā If you think three events in a month was good enough. Well, Educity held a Christmas Dance with the theme: Red & Spicy! Phew! That is a lot taking place in just one month.

HO HO HO Merry Christmas!

Though I admit that I might not have joined all the above events (been busy sorry) I certainly could not deny that the students here haveĀ their very own way to find entertainment and a social life outside of academics. Now, who said engineering students are just full of kids with glasses, staring at books and laptops?

Long story short, the last chapter of 2017 has indeed been eventful and I certainly canā€™t wait to see what 2018 has in store for all of us!

On a side note, I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday and may your new year be blessed with beautiful beginnings!


Photo courtesy of Lai Chung Kwan

Last Chapter of 2017!

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