Exam season can be nerve-wracking sometimes, especially when you are always aiming for perfection. All that endless reviews and sleepless nights, can take a toll on your health.
At the moment, you may not feel the adverse effects right away (Yes, you’re too young and your body can take all the abuse!) but believe it or not, too much stress can lead you to adverse mental effects such as depression, anxiety as well as sleeping problems which will consequently affect your academic performance in the end.
As an engineering student myself, I also strive to keep fit and healthy as it’s essential to warding off stress. If you’re beginning to feel the adverse effects of stress, I suggest you continue reading this post as I’m about to share you some steps that you can adapt into your daily routine. These steps, with stubborn will, aren’t difficult to follow and can help you be mentally as well as physically prepared for the stressful examination.
Exercise, exercise and exercise!!!
I can’t stress this enough that sufficient exercise prior to the examination period could reactivate your active mind and encourage you to stay physically fit. There are many physical activities that can help you achieve this. For instance, swimming is an extraordinary exercise for boosting blood and promote oxygen circulation which accordingly improving your cognitive ability by reducing your accumulative mental fatigue. In the same fashion, moderate weight training and aerobic exercises can also promote mind and mental well-being.

Skipping breakfast is a bad idea
This is the point that is usually overlooked by most of us since we would be thinking that it is far more important to sleep rather than waking up early to make breakfast. However on the other hand, a simple yet nutritious breakfast could really rev up your mind active throughout the day. For this reason, a simple breakfast which could consists of soft-boiled eggs and baked bread might be your first, simple and easy recipe for your morning. Needless to say, baked bread provides you sufficient fibers and egg can be nutritious as it contains a nutrient called choline, which could unlock your cognitive performance and your memory potential.

Choose your fruit and vegetables wisely
Eating the right food is your winning card for a healthy life. Particularly, fruits and food crops that are rich in quality carbohydrates such as potato and sweet potato could help you boost your blood sugar level and improve your brain power. I particularly like sweet potato as provides the most highest quality carbs and low glycemic load to your body system. In the same way, consuming both sweet potato and kiwi could provide you a better source of vitamin C and other important minerals, which ultimately boost your immunity and at the same time without the worry of excessive weight gain.

Most importantly, sweet potato is illustriously cheap for price.
Pour me some more of that elixir…
To most of us, especially night owls, coffee is the most of satisfying cup of drink especially when we are feeling cold, tired and unmotivated. Would you agree that just a whiff of its rich aroma can wake up our senses?

In fact, it is proven that moderate intake of coffee (please, not the sugar and cream overloaded coffee sticks) at a suitable time could improve your short-term memory or what they usually called “STM” and could possibly improve your digestive system. With that being said, pour me some more of that freshly brewed coffee!