Several Wednesdays ago, I managed to catch a glimpse of what could’ve been a perfect photograph to go on any University’s marketing plan. Most days, I see the Highfield interchange as just any other bus stop, but on that day, just at that moment, it seemed like somehow every little distinct piece of what makes the University of Southampton what it is, had come together.

Sports clubs, music societies, humanitarian groups and various other societies were represented by the sea of people that were crossing paths at the interchange, each of them trying to get to their respective activities. In the background I could see another set of busy individuals hurriedly entering and exiting the Hartley Library. As I walked passed them all with my guitar and a heavy amplifier in hand, I soaked in all the chaos, the liveliness and excitement of it. Although I’d been in Southampton for only about 9 weeks, it was then that I began to get a sense of belonging to the place: the city and university.


Doug, Aaron and I being good students while Kang Yao decides to be a rebel.

As a spontaneous student – engineer, my life is a busy mess. Coursework, projects and their deadlines take up most of my time. Regardless of academic commitments, student life in Southampton never takes a hit because of the assortment of activities and opportunities that are available to us. I have noticed that monotony never kicks in; I get to plan a vibrant week by packing it with a fine mix of work and play – exactly the way I choose. This is what I enjoy most about living and studying here.

Halloween with the Flat Mates !


Accessibility. It is really easy to make the most of what Southampton has to offer. From shopping, having a pleasant time at the Common, to a fun night out in the city, it has always been convenient to get around. Personally, I enjoy the chance to be spontaneous without being too worried about the ‘logistics’ of it. Another enjoyable aspect of Southampton is its weather. Well, it’s true that as an international student from a tropical country, any temperature below 20 degrees would be considered freezing, Winter Is Coming. But the weather here is friendly and allows you to acclimatize to it gently.

During a short trip to Salisbury

When it comes to travelling, there are countless places that are quick getaways from Southampton. Society meetings, coursework and…ahem… poor time management, prevent me from travelling, but several of my friends have gone to places like Bath, Brighton , Bristol and the Isle of Wight for a short weekend – trip. I am looking forward to doing so myself during the holidays.

Southampton – as a university and city – has been lovely. It is perfect for the student who is curious to try and explore new things. The course and the place allows me the flexibility to pick and choose my experiences based on my own interests, while also giving me the chance to develop new ones exactly as I like them.

Southampton, As You like It

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