

Modern Languages and Linguistics at University of Southampton is honoured to host the 9th annual conference in the Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University series, which will take place on 28th June 2019.

The conference follows on from the great success in Newcastle (2011), Bristol (2012), Manchester (2013), Leeds (2014), Nottingham (2015), York (2016), Milton Keynes (2017) and Liverpool (2018).

InnoConf19 welcomes professionals involved in the teaching and learning of Languages to share their expertise, innovative approaches and creative solutions to face the challenges ahead of modern language teaching.

Treasuring languages: innovative and creative approaches in HE

In recent years we have been witnessing a consistent decline in applications to study languages at UK universities. How is the HE sector responding to this crisis?

The theme of this year’s Innoconf19 conference aims to ignite discussions and seek innovative approaches dealing with creative ways to raise awareness about the value of learning languages.

Languages allow learners to gain an understanding of other countries and cultures. They matter for trade and business and are an asset to the economy and there is now a focus to see language learners as global citizens.

What are we doing to support the multiple skills needed in our society whilst fighting a decline in students wanting to learn languages?

The theme goes beyond the HE sector, to include approaches taken in Widening Participation Programmes as well as innovative Outreach events bridging HE to Tertiary, Secondary and Primary sectors, all aiming to increase the take up of languages, also, but not solely, through the cooperation between universities and other sectors of education, disciplines and businesses.