Portus in the News
- The Guardian (1 Oct. 2009)
- The Independent
- The Times (1 Oct. 2009)
- The Telegraph
- BBC (Image Gallery)
- Daily Mail
- Metro
- The Guardian (2. Oct. 2009)
- The Guardian (Image gallery)
- Science Daily
- Blip.tv (Animation of Portus)
- Radio 4 interview (Interview starts at 26:36)
- The Times (2 Oct. 2009)
- Rai TV (minute 30.01)
- Il Sole 24 Ore
- Abitare a Roma
- AGR on line
- Welt online
- Peallin
- CNN.com Europe
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Interview: Simon Keay)
- BBC Click Online Portus feature (article)
- BBC Click Online Portus episode (UK only)
- Futurity
- BBC News- Technology - View second video under ‘New World’ section. (Interview: Graeme Earl)