Volunteer for 2014!

We’re pleased to open the call for volunteers for the Summer 2014 season at Basing House!

The University of Southampton, University of York and Hampshire County Council will be excavating at Basing House from the 21st July to the 16th August 2014. 

We’ll be on site Monday to Saturday (with Sunday off!). Although Basing House is closed to the public on a Friday, we’ll still be digging on site for that day.

You are welcome to come along for as many days as you have free. We will ensure that the site hut provides never-ending cups of tea and plates of biscuits, but you will need to bring a packed lunch with you.

If you’d like to volunteer to dig, or you’d like to participate in some other way, please contact us so that we can be sure to accommodate you.

You can use the form below, or alternatively email Nicole Beale: nicole.beale@soton.ac.uk

Filed under: Volunteer