RTI & the Late Bronze Age stela of Mirasiviene
This Late Bronze Age (LBA) stela was found many years ago in a country-estate located in the Guadalquivir Valley (South Spain). Last September David Wheatley (University of Southampton), Leonardo García Sanjuán (University of Seville) and I have conducted fieldwork on the site where it was found (see also: previous post). We have also applied advanced techniques to obtain a detailed recording of the stela: RTI and laser scanning. This is exciting because it is the first time that a LBA Iberian stela has been recorded with these techniques!
If you click on the image (a default RTI image without enhancement) you will see the image that results from the application of the specular enhancement filter. As you will see it reveals many new relevant details.

The results of this research are currently being processed for publication. You can find more information in a previous blog-post