RTI & a prehistoric pottery sherd from Mirasiviene
While fieldwalking the country-estate of Mirasiviene, where the eponymous Late Bronze Stela was found (see: RTI shedding new light on Iberian Late Bronze Age stelae and RTI & the Late Bronze Age stela of Mirasiviene), we located an exceptional settlement. This is one of the many pottery sherds found on its surface. This sherd is a piece of hand-thrown pottery with a thick wall, probably once part of a large scale container.
If you click on the image you will be able to visualize the RTI image with specular enhancement, which provides detailed information of its surface, with traces, among others, of its manufacture.

The data gathered during our fieldwork in Mirasiviene, which has been conducted by David Wheatley (University of Southampton), Leonardo García Sanjuán (University of Seville) and myself, is currently being prepared for publication.