
Jiannan Complex

Welcome to the website for the Xiamen Summer School! On this site you will find blogs written by students who have participated in previous Summer Schools. Within these blogs, students share their experiences and reflections based on the time they spent in the Fujian province of China.

Take a look around the site to find more information about the Summer School. If you are interested in attending in the future, please do not hesitate to contact the Faculty International Office at FSS-Int@soton.ac.uk and we will be able to give you more information regarding the application process.


A message from the Senior Manager of the Faculty International Office:


This blog is a reflection of the work of various students and staff involved in the Summer School as it has evolved over the years.

The Summer School is hosted by one of the Faculty’s partner institutions, Xiamen University, in south-eastern China.

On behalf of everyone who participated in the Summer School, I would like to thank Tang Maosha, Huang Ying and all of the other staff in Xiamen SOE, along with Zhao Tiefu, our colleague who helped to make the trip such a tremendous success. I would also like to thank the fabulous volunteers who went out of their way to make our students feel welcome and ensured that they had a truly authentic experience of Xiamen student life.

I hope you enjoy looking at the blog and that you are inspired to join the trip in future years. We look forward to meeting you!

Song Utz

Senior Manager | Faculty International Office, Social Sciences

Xiamen Summer School, 2016
Xiamen Summer School, 2016