The Team

Meet the Team

Meet the team behind WatchTogether, forming Group 5 for the COMP6217 – The Science of Online Social Networks module.

Alexandra Dulieu-Rayner

Name : Alexandra Dulieu-Rayner
Nickname : Alex
Programme : Web Science
About me : I am one of the creators of WatchTogether! I came onto this project with research experience using qualitative methods and previous business experience as a bank manager. My experiences have allowed me to contribute to WatchTogether as an application suitable for both personal and business app.
Interests : music, adopting retired racing greyhounds, LGBTQ activist
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Setiawan Utama

Name : Setiawan Utama
Nickname : Wawan (pronounced as “Wow One”, but without pause)
Programme : MSc Web Technology
About me : I am keen to follow recent tech news on the media, particularly about web and mobile technology. It inspires me to be more innovative in using technology to solve common problems.
Interests : Web development, watching movies, playing chess and Counter Strike game
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Emil-Aurelian Enache

Name : Emil-Aurelian Enache
Nickname : Emi
Programme : MEng Computer Science
About me : I like putting myself into other people’s shoes, and considering how they see and understand the world. I enjoy playing video games and discussing with other people what makes a game good or bad.
Interests : UX design, video games, reading, quality assurance
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Pongphon Charoenpitakporn

Name : Pongphon Charoenpitakporn
Nickname : Paul
Programme : MSc Digital Business and Entrepreneurship
About me : WatchTogether is one of the activity which will gather the family member together. We are very excited and proud to present the website which not only entertain people but also an area for business communication.
Interests : Watching movies, Playing sports, Arts, and Listening musics
Contact :

We have used this blog as a portfolio of our ideas all throughout the design process of the WatchTogether app. We kept in touch via WhatsApp and Slack, and kept track of what we have to do and what we’ve done so far with a little help from Google Drive, but mostly by using the tools available on this blogging platform (by assigning different Statuses to the posts and pages as we worked on them).