May 2018 archive

Pitch to Dragon’s Den panel

For our pitch we will be using a powerpoint presentation so that we can display and utilise our prototype. This will be accompanied by a presentation outlining the current and future audiences and market for WatchTogether, profitability and forcasted usage levels based on our business model. Our business model has been formulated based on current …

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We put in our ethics application to conduct our focus group research, however, unfortunately we did not get approval in time. However, if we were to go forward with the project and get funding then this is, of course, the first step we would take. The ethics application we submitted can be seen via the …

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Related news items in tech media This article was published by “satPRnews” on the 15th April, 2018. The article reports the projected 16.5% revenue increase for Enterprise Social Networks and Online Community market. This article provides useful and relevant information to the rapidly growing market for virtual social and community tools such as WatchTogther. This article was published by …

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Prototype design

To design a prototype of an app for WatchTogether we used Adobe Xd. We chose this software as it allows for design and demonstrations to be created. The prototype is currently very basic due to a lack of funds. However, should we get funding, this prototype would be improved. The ideas at the heart of …

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Terms of Use

These terms of use below were adopted from Netflix and serve as the basic policy for WatchTogether. WatchTogether provides a service that allows our members in different locations to synchronously play and watch video contents (movies, TV shows, trainings, tutorials, speech, etc.) and enables them to interact each other during the viewing. As an extended …

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