April 2018 archive

UML: Use Case diagram

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a formal modelling language which allows for abstract visualisations. It is a standard often used in software engineering. Use Case diagrams describe the functional behaviour of the software system from the point of view of the users or agents involved. The following use case diagram for WatchTogether includes presents the set-up …

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Data protection

WatchTogether asks users to create an account in order to facilitate functionality on multiple platforms and to allow other users to specifically be invited to join in on watching the video. The information requested during registration is fairly basic and nowadays commonplace: a username, email, and password. These authentication details are stored so that the …

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User experience and usability goals

Designing for user experience is an essential part of any product, particularly those aimed at a wide demographic. Looking at the product and how it would be used in the real world from the point of view of a user-customer can provide valuable information that can help influence the way the product looks and behaves. …

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Moving into the corporate world

The idea of WatchTogether was formed from the group members’ experiences as students, friends and family members from across the globe. However, as WatchTogether has grown, so have the possibilities for the user demographic. My experience as a bank manager has lead me to see the possibilities for WatchTogether as a corporate communication tool; the …

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Why this project?

The digital revolution has transformed the traditional concept of “community”; through the introduction of Social Networking Sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, virtual communities have flourished. With individuals from around the globe able to connect through shared virtual experiences, the desire to further these experiences should no longer be considered unnecessary. The introduction of digital …

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Focus groups

We have decided to use a qualitative method of data collection as we feel that this is the best way for us to gather the rich data we require to support the development of our platform. So we decided to organise a focus group of up to 10 students. The idea is to be able …

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Challenges we encountered and how we resolved them

The problems that the team encountered during the project  Coming from different majors makes it quite hard to accommodate meetings where everyone is available, what with our different schedules. Thus, at the beginning it took a little time to coordinate a meeting that enabled us to agree on the topic. Additionally, different backgrounds and skills …

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The proportion of adults who use different applications for watching films/ TV programmes in percent.

There are several applications used in the UK that provide movies/TV on demand to users. The variety of channels become an advantage for the UK viewers as they have more choices to choose for increased utility. Those applications allow customers to  enjoy movies anytime and anywhere they want. According to the Communication Market Report (2017), the …

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The percentage of locations that British usually watched the films/programmes.

Technology’s rapid growth has allowed people in this decade to have more convenience compared to the past. The users can play the Internet wherever they want on their own devices. According to the Communication Market Report (2017), the majority of people are watching the movie in their bedroom which is 51 percent which more than …

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The rate of Britain’s movie and TV habits

The graph represents the number of people who watched the movie/TV show online in the different range of ages in 2015. According to the Communication Market Report (2017), there are four different periods that people are spending their time online, which are everyday, weekly, and monthly. The majority group of people in the United Kingdom …

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